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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

White Gemstones - A Detailed Guide for White Stones with Images

White Gemstones Guide
White Gemstones

The Classic Allure of White Gemstones

Jewelry enthusiasts adore white gemstones because of their timeless appeal and timeless beauty. White gemstones offer a certain charm that goes well with any ensemble, from the ethereal shine of moonstones to the stunning brilliance of diamonds.

The adaptability of white gemstones is what sets them apart. They can be used to give a touch of sophistication and beauty to any design, no matter how elaborate or minimalist. White gemstones never go out of style, whether they are worn as a delicate accent or as a statement piece.

White gemstones are also renowned for their symbolic meaning. For example, pearls are linked to purity and wisdom, while diamonds stand for unwavering love and devotion. It is thought that moonstones have magical qualities that encourage emotional healing and

White Gemstones List


Natural White Agate Gemstones
White Agate Gemstones

Overview: Agate, a variety of chalcedony, is a mesmerizing gemstone known for its fine grains and bright colors. Formed from volcanic and metamorphic rocks, it exhibits unique banded patterns, making each piece distinct. Its composition primarily includes silica and a variety of mineral inclusions, contributing to its diverse appearance.

Available Colors: This gemstone occurs in a spectrum of colors, including red, yellow, blue, green, and notably, white. White agate, in particular, is prized for its purity and translucency, making white gems and white stones a sought-after variety.

Birthstone: While not a traditional birthstone, agate is often associated with the zodiac sign Gemini and is believed to bring balance and harmony.

Mohs Hardness Score: Agate ranks at 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating good durability and suitability for various types of jewelry.

White Agate Rough Stones
White Agate Rough Stones

White Agate Meaning

Agate is believed to symbolize protection, strength, and harmony. Its soothing energy is said to bring emotional, physical, and intellectual balance.

White Agate Jewelry Usage

Agate is a popular choice in jewelry, valued for its durability and versatility. It is often used in rings, necklaces, and bracelets, appealing to those who seek a touch of natural elegance.


Natural White Albite Gemstones
White Albite Gemstones

Overview: Albite, a member of the feldspar group, is a significant gemstone known for its glassy luster and perfect cleavage. It is primarily composed of sodium and aluminum silicate. This mineral is often found in granitic rocks and pegmatites and can form in both igneous and metamorphic environments.

Available Colors: Albite is typically colorless or white, but can also be found in shades of gray, blue, green, and pink. The white gemstone variety, often referred to as white's gemstone, is particularly sought after for its pristine and subtle beauty.

Birthstone: Albite is not traditionally recognized as a birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Albite ranks between 6 and 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating a moderate level of scratch resistance.

Natural Rough White Albite Gemstones
White Albite Rough Gemstones

White Albite Meaning

This gemstone is often associated with clarity, balance, and confidence. It is believed to promote understanding and stimulate the intellect.

White Albite Jewelry Usage

While not commonly used in mainstream jewelry due to its relative softness, albite is appreciated by collectors and artisans for its unique properties and appearance. It is sometimes used in pendants and ornamental objects.


Natural White Aragonite Gemstones
White Aragonite Gemstones

Overview: Aragonite, a naturally occurring gemstone, is a crystalline form of calcium carbonate. It is known for its orthorhombic structure and is often found in organic materials such as mollusk shells and coral. Aragonite is distinct for its needle-like crystals and can form either in sedimentary or metamorphic environments.

Available Colors: This gemstone typically appears in shades of white, brown, yellow, and blue. The white gemstone variety of aragonite, often referred to as white's gemstone, is particularly admired for its purity and lustrous quality.

Birthstone: Aragonite is not traditionally recognized as a birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Aragonite has a Mohs hardness score of 3.5 to 4, making it relatively soft compared to other gemstones.

White Aragonite Meaning

Aragonite is believed to symbolize grounding, stability, and a connection to the Earth. It is thought to promote focus and concentration.

White Aragonite Rough Gemstones
White Aragonite Rough Stones

White Aragonite Jewelry Usage

While aragonite is not commonly used in mainstream jewelry due to its relative softness, it is valued in unique and artisanal pieces. Its intriguing patterns and earthy tones make it a favorite among collectors and designers for specialty jewelry.


Natural White Barite Gemstones
White Barite Gemstones

Overview: Barite, a mineral composed of barium sulfate, is known for its high specific gravity and range of colors. It forms in a variety of environments, from hydrothermal veins to sedimentary beds. Barite is distinguished by its crystal habit, hardness, and reaction to acid.

Available Colors: This gemstone can appear in a spectrum of colors, including blue, yellow, and red. However, white barite, or white's gemstone, is notable for its pure color and luminous quality, making white gems and white stones particularly appealing.

Birthstone: Barite is not recognized as a traditional birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Barite ranks between 3 and 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating it is relatively soft compared to other gemstones.

White Barite Meaning

Often associated with harmony and balance, barite is believed to promote personal freedom and clear understanding.

White Barite Rough Gemstones
White Barite Rough Stones

White Barite Jewelry Usage

Although not traditionally used in mainstream jewelry due to its brittleness, barite is valued in specialized gem and mineral collections. Its unique properties and crystal forms make it a fascinating choice for niche jewelry designers.


Natural Goshenite Gemstones
Goshenite Gemstones

Overview: Goshenite, the colorless variety of beryl, is a gemstone known for its exceptional clarity and purity. It is composed of beryllium aluminum silicate and often forms in granitic pegmatites. Goshenite is distinguished by its high hardness and hexagonal crystal system, making it a favorite among mineral collectors.

Available Colors: While primarily known as a white gemstone, goshenite can exhibit subtle color hues due to impurities, ranging from pale yellow to light blue. The pure white gems and white stones, however, are the most sought after for their classic and timeless appeal.

Birthstone: Goshenite is not traditionally considered a birthstone, but it is sometimes associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio.

Mohs Hardness Score: Goshenite ranks at 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating good durability and resistance to scratches.

White Goshenite Meaning

This gemstone is often associated with truth, honesty, and clarity of thought. It is believed to enhance communication and aid in decision-making processes.

White Goshenite Jewelry Usage

As a gem, goshenite is appreciated for its versatility and is often used in a variety of jewelry pieces, including rings, earrings, and pendants. Its lack of color and excellent transparency make it an ideal choice for intricate cuts and settings.


Natural White Calcite Gemstones
White Calcite Gemstones

Overview: Calcite, a carbonate mineral, is renowned for its wide variety in colors and forms. Composed primarily of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), it is known for its excellent cleavagebirefringence, and solubility in acid. Calcite forms in a myriad of geological environments, contributing to its diverse crystal shapes and sizes.

Available Colors: This versatile gem occurs in a spectrum of colors, including clear, white, pink, blue, and green. The white calcite variety, often referred to as white's gemstone, is particularly popular for its pure and serene appearance, making white gems and white stones a desirable choice.

Birthstone: Calcite is not traditionally recognized as a birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Calcite ranks at a relatively soft 3 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it more suitable for less frequently worn or decorative jewelry pieces.

White Calcite Rough Stones
White Calcite Rough Stones

White Calcite Meaning

Often associated with cleansing and revitalization, calcite is believed to promote energy and mental clarity, enhancing personal growth and development.

White Calcite Jewelry Usage

As a gemstone, calcite is appreciated for its unique optical properties and vibrant colors. It is used in various jewelry pieces, especially as cabochons or carved stones, where its translucency and color variety can be showcased.


Natural White Coral Gemstones
White Coral Gemstones

Overview: Coral, distinct from typical gemstones, is an organic product formed by living organisms known as coral polyps. Found in tropical ocean waters, it is prized for its unique texture and natural patterns. Composed primarily of calcium carbonate, coral varies in color and form, often used in both traditional and contemporary jewelry designs.

Available Colors: While traditionally known in shades of red and pink, coral also occurs in other colors including black, blue, golden, and white. White coral, or white's gemstone, is valued for its subtle elegance and is often used in both modern and classical jewelry designs.

Birthstone: Coral is not a traditional birthstone, but it is sometimes associated with the astrological sign of Taurus.

Mohs Hardness Score: Coral has a relatively low hardness, ranking between 3 and 4 on the Mohs scale, which makes it more suitable for pieces that are not subject to frequent wear and tear.

Natural Rough White Coral Gemstones
White Coral Rough Gemstones

White Coral Meaning

Coral is believed to represent diplomacy and concurrence, bringing peace to its wearer. It is also thought to promote emotional healing and foster a sense of communal well-being.

White Coral Jewelry Usage

Coral is a popular choice in jewelry, especially for pieces that feature natural and oceanic themes. It is commonly used in necklaces, bracelets, and as inlays in various types of jewelry, offering a unique aesthetic appeal.


Natural White Danburite Gemstones
White Danburite Gemstones

Overview: Danburite, a lesser-known but captivating gemstone, is valued for its clarity and diamond-like brilliance. Composed of calcium boron silicate, it crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and is typically found in contact metamorphic rocks. Its high transparency and strong dispersion make it an attractive choice for gem enthusiasts.

Available Colors: While commonly found in colorless or white forms, danburite can also exhibit shades of pink, yellow, and brown. The white gemstone variety, known for its clarity and luster, is especially prized in the gemstone market.

Birthstone: Danburite is not traditionally recognized as a birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Danburite ranks at 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating good durability for everyday wear.

White Danburite Meaning

This gemstone is often associated with spiritual and emotional healing, believed to bring serenity and promote self-acceptance.

White Danburite Rough Gemstones
White Danburite Rough Stones

White Danburite Jewelry Usage

Danburite is increasingly popular in jewelry, particularly for those seeking a unique and durable gem. It is well-suited for a variety of jewelry settings, including rings, earrings, and pendants, often cut to maximize its light-reflecting properties.


Natural White Diamond Gemstones
White Diamond Gemstones

"A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure." - Henry Kissinger

Overview: Diamond, a symbol of luxury and durability, is the hardest known natural material on Earth. Composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice, it's most admired for its unparalleled brilliance and fire. Diamonds are formed under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions existing deep within the Earth's mantle, and are brought to the surface through volcanic eruptions.

Available Colors: While often associated with the classic white gemstone, diamonds actually come in a variety of colors including yellow, pink, blue, and even black. The value of a white diamond is typically determined by its lack of color, clarity, cut, and carat weight.

Birthstone: Diamond is the birthstone for April, symbolizing eternal love and courage.

Mohs Hardness Score: Diamond ranks at the top of the Mohs hardness scale with a score of 10, making it the hardest gemstone known to man.

White Diamond Meaning

Beyond its aesthetic allure, the diamond is believed to bring fortitude and clarity to its wearer, symbolizing invincibility and strength.

White Diamond - Rough Stones
White Diamond - Rough Stones

White Diamond Jewelry Usage

As the most coveted gemstone in the world, diamonds are a centerpiece in a wide range of jewelry, including engagement rings, necklaces, and earrings. Their unmatched hardness makes them an ideal choice for everyday wear.


Natural Dolomite Gemstones
Dolomite Gemstones

Overview: Dolomite, a unique mineral and lesser-known gemstone, is composed of calcium magnesium carbonate. It forms in a variety of sedimentary settings, often associated with limestone. Dolomite is recognized for its rhombohedral crystals and vitreous luster, and it's valued both as a mineral specimen and a decorative stone.

Available Colors: Dolomite typically exhibits colors ranging from white to gray, pink, and green. The white dolomite variety, sometimes referred to as white's gemstone, is particularly sought after for its serene and clean appearance, making white gems and white stones a popular choice for collectors.

Birthstone: Dolomite is not recognized as a traditional birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Dolomite ranks at 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating it is relatively soft and more suitable for decorative purposes than everyday wear.

White Dolomite Meaning

This gemstone is often associated with calmness and centeredness. It is believed to encourage charitable actions and generosity.

White Dolomite Rough Gemstones
White Dolomite Rough Stones

White Dolomite Jewelry Usage

While not commonly used in mainstream jewelry due to its relative softness, dolomite is appreciated in unique and artisanal pieces. Its subtle color palette and smooth texture make it suitable for pendants, cabochons, and ornamental objects.


Natural White Euclase Gemstones
White Euclase Gemstones

Overview: Euclase is a rare and prized gemstone known for its remarkable clarity and bright blue to green colors. It is a beryllium aluminum hydroxide silicate mineral, crystallizing in the monoclinic system. Euclase is distinguished by its high birefringence and vitreous luster, making it a coveted gem for collectors and enthusiasts.

Available Colors: While most renowned for its vibrant blue hues, euclase can also occur in shades of green, white, and colorless forms. The white gemstone variety of euclase, often referred to as white's gemstone, is admired for its subtle elegance and purity.

Birthstone: Euclase is not traditionally recognized as a birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Euclase has a Mohs hardness of 7.5, making it relatively durable but susceptible to cleavage.

White Euclase Meaning

This gemstone is often associated with creativity and clarity of thought. It is believed to enhance communication skills and foster artistic expression.

White Euclase Rough Gemstones
White Euclase Rough Stones

White Euclase Jewelry Usage

Due to its rarity and brittleness, euclase is not commonly used in mainstream jewelry. However, it is highly valued in custom and designer jewelry pieces, particularly for its unique color and brilliance.


Natural White Howlite Gemstones
White Howlite Gemstones

Overview: Howlite, a captivating gemstone, is known for its white color with gray veining, resembling marble. It's a borate mineral found in evaporite deposits, often in nodules resembling cauliflower. Howlite's porous nature allows it to be easily dyed, making it a versatile material in gemstone markets.

Available Colors: Naturally occurring in white, Howlite is often dyed in colors like blue and green. However, the white gemstone form, sometimes referred to as white's gemstone, remains a classic choice for its elegant and serene appearance.

Birthstone: Howlite is not traditionally recognized as a birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Howlite ranks at about 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it suitable for jewelry that is not exposed to rough wear.

White Howlite Rough Stone
White Howlite Rough Stone

White Howlite Meaning

This gemstone is believed to have calming properties, promoting patience and reducing stress and anxiety.

White Howlite Jewelry Usage

Howlite is frequently used in jewelry as beads, cabochons, and decorative carvings. Its ability to mimic more expensive gemstones like turquoise makes it popular in various jewelry styles, from bohemian to more classic designs.


Natural White Jade Gemstones
White Jade Gemstones
"Jade is like a precious friend, and it is a blessing to have one."

Overview: Jade, a revered gemstone in many cultures, is known for its beauty and durability. It primarily occurs in two types: Nephrite, a calcium magnesium silicate, and Jadeite, a sodium aluminum silicate. Jade has been cherished throughout history for its toughness and range of colors, from deep greens to lavenders and even white.

Available Colors: While traditionally associated with green, jade can be found in a variety of colors including red, yellow, black, and white. White jade, known as white's gemstone, is highly valued for its creamy, pure appearance and is often used in elegant and minimalist jewelry designs.

Birthstone: Jade is not a traditional birthstone, but it is linked with the zodiac signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Libra.

Mohs Hardness Score: Depending on the type, jade's hardness can range from 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it suitable for various types of jewelry.

Natural Rough White Jade Gemstones
White Jade Rough Gemstones

White Jade Meaning

Jade is often associated with good luck, prosperity, and longevity. It is believed to promote wisdom, balance, and peace.

White Jade Jewelry Usage

Jade is extensively used in jewelry and ornamental designs. Its smooth, polished surface and rich colors make it ideal for bangles, pendants, and intricate carvings. The gem is especially popular in Asian jewelry, symbolizing purity and moral integrity.


Natural White Moonstone Gemstones
White Moonstone Gemstones

Overview: Moonstone, a mesmerizing gemstone, is known for its unique adularescence, a phenomenon that creates a billowy, moon-like glow on the surface. It is a variety of the feldspar group and is composed of alternating layers of orthoclase and albite. Moonstone's ethereal beauty has made it a cherished stone in various cultures and histories.

Available Colors: While traditionally known for its white to bluish glow, moonstone also comes in peach, gray, and even rainbow varieties. The classic white moonstone, often referred to as white's gemstone, remains a popular choice for its timeless elegance and mystical appearance.

Birthstone: Moonstone is one of the birthstones for June, symbolizing love, passion, and fertility.

Mohs Hardness Score: Moonstone ranks between 6 and 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it suitable for jewelry that requires careful handling.

White Moonstone Rough Stones
White Moonstone Rough Stones

White Moonstone Meaning

This gemstone is often associated with inner growth and strength. It is believed to soothe emotional instability and stress, providing calmness and enhancing intuition.

White Moonstone Jewelry Usage

Moonstone is widely used in jewelry, offering an enchanting appeal in rings, necklaces, and earrings. Its delicate play of light enhances both modern and vintage designs, making it a versatile choice for various styles.


What are the different types of white gemstones available?

The different types of white gemstones include agate, albite, aragonite, barite, goshenite, calcite, coral, danburite, diamond, dolomite, euclase, howlite, jade, moonstone, onyx, opal, orthoclase, pearl, quartz, sapphire, scapolite, scolecite, selenite, spinel, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, and many more.

What is the significance of diamonds in white gemstone jewelry?

Diamonds are considered the epitome of luxury and are highly coveted in white gemstone jewelry for their unparalleled brilliance and timeless appeal. They symbolize love, purity, and strength.

How are pearls used in white gemstone jewelry?

Pearls are synonymous with elegance and are often incorporated into white gemstone jewelry to add a touch of sophistication. They are prized for their lustrous glow and represent purity, wisdom, and feminine beauty.

What makes opals unique in the world of white gemstones?

Opals are renowned for their mesmerizing play of colors, which sets them apart from other white gemstones. Their iridescent beauty reflects a spectrum of hues and represents inspiration, creativity, and emotional healing.

What is the allure of white moonstones in gemstone jewelry?

White moonstones possess an ethereal glow that gives them a mystical appeal in white gemstone jewelry. They are believed to promote emotional balance, intuition, and spiritual growth.

Why is quartz a popular choice for white gemstone jewelry?

Quartz is treasured for its clarity and purity, making it a sought-after choice in white gemstone jewelry. Its neutral white hue symbolizes harmony, healing, and spiritual enlightenment.

What is the cultural significance of jade in white gemstone jewelry?

Jade has deep-rooted symbolism in many cultures and is highly regarded for its spiritual and protective properties. Considered a stone of wisdom and good fortune, white jade is often crafted into exquisite white gemstone jewelry.

Can white sapphires be used as an alternative to blue sapphires in jewelry?

Absolutely! While sapphires are typically known for their blue hues, white sapphires offer a unique beauty of their own. They are used as an alternative to blue sapphires and symbolize purity, wisdom, and loyalty.

What makes white topaz a captivating gemstone in jewelry?

White topaz is prized for its brilliance and versatility, making it a captivating gemstone in white gemstone jewelry. Its sparkling white hue adds a touch of glamour and symbolizes love, happiness, and clarity of thought.

What are the distinctive qualities of white zircon gemstones in jewelry?

White zircons are renowned for their sparkling brilliance, making them highly desirable in white gemstone jewelry. They symbolize purity, integrity, and protection.

What types of white gemstone jewelry are available?

White gemstone jewelry is available in a variety of forms, including engagement rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Whether you prefer a stunning white gemstone engagement ring or an elegant white gemstone necklace, there are options to suit every style and occasion.

What is the significance of white gemstones in jewelry?

White gemstones hold symbolic meanings that make them even more special in jewelry. They represent purity, integrity, spiritual enlightenment, and emotional healing, depending on the specific gemstone.

Why do white gemstones continue to captivate jewelry enthusiasts worldwide?

White gemstones have a timeless appeal that transcends fashion trends. Their classic beauty and versatility enable them to complement any outfit and occasion, making them a favorite choice among jewelry enthusiasts around the world.


Natural White Onyx Gemstones
White Onyx Gemstones

Overview: Onyx, a captivating gemstone, is a variety of chalcedony, characterized by its layered, parallel banding. This structure results in unique patterns, making each piece distinct. Traditionally black or dark in color, onyx can also be found in other shades, including white and banded varieties.

Available Colors: While predominantly known for its classic black color, onyx also occurs in white, brown, and banded varieties. The white onyx, sometimes referred to as white's gemstone, is prized for its elegant and subtle patterns.

Birthstone: Onyx is not a traditional birthstone but is often associated with the zodiac sign Leo.

Mohs Hardness Score: Onyx has a Mohs hardness of 7, making it fairly durable for various types of jewelry.

Natural Rough White Onyx Gemstones
White Onyx Rough Gemstones

White Onyx Meaning

Historically, onyx has been associated with protection and strength. It is believed to offer its wearer fortitude and stamina, helping to alleviate fears and worries.

White Onyx Jewelry Usage

Onyx is highly valued in the jewelry industry for its bold appearance and is often used in statement pieces like rings, cufflinks, and pendants. Its striking contrast, especially in black and white gemstone forms, makes it a popular choice for both modern and traditional designs.


Natural White Opal Gemstones
White Opal Gemstones
"Opals offer a wide spectrum of color and patterns, making them a fascinating and breathtaking choice for white gemstone jewelry."

Overview: Opal, renowned for its dazzling play of colors, is a hydrated amorphous form of silica. Its internal structure diffracts light, displaying a spectrum of hues, known as 'play-of-color.' Opal is unique among gemstones for its opalescence and can range from transparent to opaque. The presence of water within its silica structure gives it a characteristic sheen.

Available Colors: Opals come in a variety of colors, including black, white, pink, blue, and green. The white opal, often referred to as white's gemstone, is particularly valued for its bright play-of-color against a light background, making white gems and white stones a popular choice.

Birthstone: Opal is the birthstone for October, symbolizing faithfulness and confidence.

Mohs Hardness Score: Opal ranks between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, requiring careful handling to maintain its lustrous beauty.

White Opal Meaning

This gemstone is believed to enhance imagination, creativity, and spontaneity. It is also thought to encourage personal expression and emotional release.

White Opal Rough Stone
White Opal Rough Stone

White Opal Jewelry Usage

Opal is a highly prized gem in jewelry, celebrated for its vibrant color display. It is often set in rings, pendants, and earrings. Due to its relative softness, it is usually set in protective settings to prevent scratching and chipping.


Natural White Orthoclase Gemstones
White Orthoclase Gemstones

Overview: Orthoclase, a member of the feldspar mineral group, is known for its significant role in the composition of the Earth's crust. This gemstone is a potassium aluminum silicate and is recognized for its monoclinic crystal system. Orthoclase is often admired for its glassy luster and can be found in a range of colors, including white, cream, and pale yellow.

Available Colors: Orthoclase is most commonly found in warm hues, but it can also occur in white and transparent forms. The white gemstone variety, sometimes referred to as white's gemstone, is sought after for its subtle elegance and versatility in various jewelry designs.

Birthstone: Orthoclase is not designated as a traditional birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Orthoclase ranks at 6 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating a fair level of scratch resistance suitable for various types of jewelry.

White Orthoclase Meaning

This gem is often associated with balance and stability. It is believed to bring clarity of thought and to enhance one's understanding of challenging situations.

White Orthoclase Rough Gemstones
White Orthoclase Rough Stones

White Orthoclase Jewelry Usage

While not as commonly used as some other gemstones, orthoclase is occasionally featured in jewelry. Its unique color spectrum and clarity make it a desirable choice for specialty pieces such as pendants and earrings.


Natural White Pearl Gemstones
White Pearl Gemstones

Overview: Pearls, unique among gemstones, are organic gems formed within the tissue of living mollusks. Unlike other gemstones mined from the Earth, pearls are created by living creatures in both freshwater and saltwater environments. They are composed primarily of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers, creating their characteristic luster.

Available Colors: While traditionally known for their iridescent white and cream colors, pearls can be found in a range of hues including pink, black, blue, and green. The classic white pearl, often referred to as white's gemstone, remains a timeless choice for its versatility and natural beauty.

Birthstone: Pearl is one of the birthstones for June, symbolizing purity and innocence.

Mohs Hardness Score: Pearls are relatively soft, ranking between 2.5 and 4.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, and require careful handling to maintain their beauty.

White Pearl Meaning

Pearls are often associated with wisdom gained through experience. They are believed to offer protection, as well as attract good luck and wealth.

White Pearl Jewelry Usage

Pearls have been a symbol of elegance and sophistication in jewelry for centuries. They are used in a variety of jewelry pieces, including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. Pearls are especially favored in bridal and classic jewelry designs.

The Different Types of Pearls

Type of Pearl Description
Freshwater pearls Cultivated in freshwater lakes and rivers, these pearls come in a range of colors and sizes.
Akoya pearls Cultivated in saltwater, these pearls are known for their luster and classic white color.
Tahitian pearls Cultivated in French Polynesia, these pearls are known for their iridescent hues, ranging from black to gray to blue-green.
South Sea pearls Cultivated in the warm waters of Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, these pearls are some of the largest and most valuable.


Natural White Quartz Gemstones
White Quartz Gemstones

"Quartz is a natural wonder - a timeless beauty that has inspired artists, designers, and collectors for centuries. Its remarkable clarity and purity exude sophistication and elegance, making it a perfect choice for jewelry that is both understated and striking."

-Jane Smith, Jewelry Designer

Overview: Quartz, one of the most abundant and varied minerals on Earth, is a significant gemstone in the jewelry industry. Composed of silicon dioxide, it is known for its hard and crystalline structure. Quartz occurs in a wide range of environments and forms many different gem varieties, including amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz.

Available Colors: Quartz comes in an array of colors, from the clear, colorless variety often known as rock crystal to white, pink, purple, yellow, and smoky hues. The white quartz, or white's gemstone, is appreciated for its clean and subtle aesthetic, making white gems and white stones a popular choice for a minimalist look.

Natural White Quartz Gemstones
White Quartz Gemstones

Birthstone: While quartz is not a traditional birthstone, certain varieties like amethyst and citrine are birthstones for February and November, respectively.

Mohs Hardness Score: Quartz ranks at 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating good durability for everyday wear in jewelry.

White Quartz Meaning

Quartz is often associated with healing and spiritual growth. It is believed to enhance energy, bring balance, and promote clarity of mind.

White Quartz Rough Stones
White Quartz Rough Stones

White Quartz Jewelry Usage

Due to its versatility and durability, quartz is widely used in all forms of jewelry. It is particularly favored for its wide range of colors and affordability, making it accessible for various jewelry styles, from elegant to casual wear.


Natural White Sapphire Gemstones
White Sapphire Gemstones

Overview: Sapphire, a precious gemstone, is a variety of the mineral corundum, consisting mainly of aluminum oxide with trace amounts of elements like iron, titanium, chromium, copper, or magnesium. Known for its hardness, durability, and luster, sapphire is one of the most valued and revered gems in the world. Traditionally associated with the color blue, sapphire actually comes in a range of colors.

Available Colors: While best known for its vibrant blue hue, sapphire also occurs in pink, yellow, green, and white. White sapphire, often considered as a white's gemstone, is a colorless form of sapphire and is sometimes used as a diamond alternative due to its similar appearance and durability.

Birthstone: Sapphire is the birthstone for September, symbolizing wisdom, virtue, and good fortune.

Mohs Hardness Score: Sapphire ranks 9 on the Mohs hardness scale, just below diamond, making it one of the hardest gemstones.

Natural Rough White Sapphire Gemstones
White Sapphire Rough Gemstones

White Sapphire Meaning

Historically, sapphire is believed to protect loved ones from envy and harm. It represents loyalty, trust, and sincerity, making it a popular choice in engagement rings.

White Sapphire Jewelry Usage

Sapphires are a popular choice in jewelry, especially in engagement rings, due to their beauty and resilience. They are also used in earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. The gem’s hardness makes it suitable for everyday wear.


Natural White Scapolite  Gemstones
White Scapolite Gemstones

Overview: Scapolite is a rare gemstone that is named after the Greek word "skapos" meaning stick or stem, due to the long columnar formation of its crystals. Its brilliance and vitreous luster make it a desirable gemstone and collector's item. Stones with pure and high color intensity are the most desirable.

Available Colors: The most common color of scapolite is honey yellow, but it is available in other colors such as orange, violet, pink, brown, grey and colorless. Cat's eye scapolite often occurs in greenish, brown and grey. Bright purple scapolite is considered to be the most valuable. Scapolite stones with high color intensity are the most desirable.

Birthstone: Scapolite is not recognized as a traditional birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Scapolite's has a ranking of 5.5 - 6 on Mohs hardness scale meaning that it should be properly cared for in order to maintain its beauty.

Natural Rough White Scapolite Gemstones
White Scapolite Rough Gemstones

White Scapolite Meaning

Scapolite is know to carry a very strong energy, for both mental and physical ailments.

White Scapolite Jewelry Usage

Using any type of scapolite in jewelry, it is best to limit its use to earrings, pins, pendants or brooches, because of its lack of durability. Scapolite does have a good level of brilliance and an attractive vitreous luster, so when set with white or yellow precious metals, the results can be fantastic.


Natural Scolecite Gemstones
Scolecite Gemstones

Overview: Scolecite has a very delicate, almost brittle appearance in its crystal form. It's a gem with subtle beauty when cut as cabochon stones. Its elegant appearance and limited range of color make it a gemstone of simplicity great for minimal jewelry styles. Scolecite is a mineral member of the zeolite group that gets its name from the Greek word for "worm" because of the way that the borax bead that contains the mineral sometimes curls when heated by a blowpipe.

Available Colors: Scolecite's color palette ranges from milky white to pale pink, with a subtle complexity to the range of its pastel colors. It evokes a sense of purity and tranquility, making it excellent for designers and jewelers who leverage this appearance in their designs.

Birthstone: Scolecite is not recognized as a traditional birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Scolecite is relatively soft, with a hardness of 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale, so store it away from other stones that may scratch or impact it.

White Scolecite Meaning

Scolecite is associated with enhancing communication on both physical and spiritual levels. To facilitate clear and effective communication, aiding in expressing thoughts, emotions, and desires with clarity and compassion. Scolecite also enhances dream recall and promotes lucid dreaming, offering insights and guidance from the subconscious.

White Scolecite Rough Gemstones
White Scolecite Rough Stones

White Scolecite Jewelry Usage

Scolecite's delicate appearance lends itself beautifully to jewelry and decorative pieces. Cabochons or beads are the most common way to prepare stones for jewelry. Often it is the centerpiece in pendants or earrings, allowing their soft hues and intricate formations to shine. Scolecite is a decorative stone that adorns home interiors with its serene energy and natural elegance.


Natural Selenite Gemstones
Selenite Gemstones

Overview: The term selenite is used to refer to varieties of the mineral gypsum that show obvious crystalline structure. Selenite is used to refer specifically to transparent and colorless gypsum, but sometimes it is used to refer to all the different crystalline varieties of gypsum, including satin spar, desert rose and gypsum flower.

Available Colors: Selenite is commonly found in a range of colors including brown-green, brownish-yellow, greenish, gray-green, and gray-white.

Birthstone: Selenite is not recognized as a traditional birthstone.

Mohs Hardness Score: Selenite is a very soft mineral, with a rating of only 2 on the Mohs scale. It is so soft that it can be scratched by a fingernail.

White Selenite Meaning

Selenite gems revolves around purification, clearing, and the infusion of positive energy. Its gentle yet potent energy is beautifully represented by its soft white appearance, radiating white light and exuding high vibrations.

Natural Rough Selenite Gemstones
Selenite Rough Gemstones

White Selenite Jewelry Usage

Selenite, being an extremely delicate mineral, is usually not used in jewelry due to its softness. Nevertheless, if you manage to come across a pendant necklace made of selenite, wearing it will ensure a continuous purification of your energy throughout the day.


Natural White Spinel Gemstones
White Spinel Gemstones

Overview: Spinel is a beautiful and often flawless gemstone which comes in a wide variety of colors with a durable hardness rating of 8 on Mohs scale which is only just behind sapphire, ruby and diamond. White spinel is rare and can rival the color and beauty of white diamonds and white sapphire.

Available Colors: Natural spinels exhibit a wide spectrum of colors, ranging from intense and rich hues to delicate and pale shades. They can be found in various tones of pink, lavender, red, red-orange, purple, blue, and even black. It is quite uncommon to come across colorless spinels, as they are extremely rare. The only colors that seem to be absent in natural spinels are pure green and yellow. Throughout history, red spinels have been highly revered and cherished. However, in recent times, there has been a surge in the popularity of cobalt blue spinels and pink spinels.

Birthstone: As recently as 2016 it was made an official birthstone for August and it is the traditional gift for the 22nd wedding anniversary adding all the more reasons to make this gorgeous gemstone into jewelry.

Mohs Hardness Score: Spinel ranks at 8 on Mohs hardness scale, it is durable and beautiful enough for any type of everyday jewelry item.

Natural Rough White Spinel Gemstones
White Spinel Rough Gemstones

White Spinel Meaning

Spinel is a rejuvenating gemstone, re-energizing and inspiring you onto bigger and better things. It will lead you onwards and upwards and will not allow anything to get in your way and give you the optimism and determination to overcome all obstacles.

White Spinel Jewelry Usage

Spinel is a colorful gemstone, with a bright luster with a notable sparkle and at 8 on Mohs hardness scale it is durable and beautiful enough for any type of everyday jewelry item.


Natural White Topaz Gemstones
White Topaz Gemstones

Overview: The word topaz may have been derived from the Greek island of Topázos in the Red Sea where a yellow stone was mined and the Greek verb topazein meaning 'to try to find' but I prefer the Sanskrit word 'Tapas' meaning heat or fire as the source of the modern 'topaz' as it more captures the brilliance of the gem. Topaz makes an ideal gemstone, it comes in a wide range of colors and its relatively hard qualities allow for many uses.

Available Colors: Topaz exhibits a wide spectrum of colors, spanning from the pristine brilliance of white to the warm hues of peachy orange sunsets, vibrant greens reminiscent of lush grass, fiery reds, serene sky blues, and an array of shades in between.

Birthstone: Topaz is the official birthstone for November, symbolizing love and affection. It is believed to give the wearer increased strength and judgement.

Mohs Hardness Score: Topaz is a beautiful gemstone with an impressive rating of 8 on Mohs hardness scale. Because of its durability it is an ideal gem for any type of daily wear jewelry.

White Topaz Meaning

For centuries Topaz has been associated with opulence and abundance, the golden yellows and warm oranges of the traditional gemstones have evoked the energy of the sun, indeed ancient Egyptians and Romans related the stone to the Sun god. This solar energy touches everything, soothing, healing, invigorating, and the luxuriant topaz embodies this completely.

White Topaz Rough Stones
White Topaz Rough Stones

White Topaz Jewelry Usage

Topaz is a beautiful gemstone which, because of its durability, is an ideal gem for any type of daily wear jewelry. This hardness, as well as its availability in large crystals, makes it perfect for an array of fancy cuts including concave cuts where the shaping of the gemstone results in a lot of wastage.


Natural White Tourmaline Gemstones
White Tourmaline Gemstones

Overview: It is thought that the name tourmaline came from a Sinhalese word meaning mixed gems. This would not be surprising because Tourmalines come in such a variety of colors. From deep reds to pastel pinks, from dark greens to vivid yellows and vibrant blues, tourmalines are unique in their variety of colors, with the entire rainbow is covered.

Available Colors: There are literally loose tourmalines in every color of the rainbow including some with two or even three colors in the same stone and perhaps in colors NOT featured in a rainbow. Most famous is the green tourmaline, pink tourmaline, bi-color tourmaline and watermelon tourmaline.

Birthstone: Tourmaline is the official birthstone of October and would make a great present for anyone who has a birthday in this month.

Mohs Hardness Score: Tourmalines are rated at 7 to 7.5 on Mohs hardness scale making them hard enough to make good and easy to care for jewelry.

White Tourmaline Meaning

Tourmaline cultivates tranquility and facilitates communication between the conscious and unconscious minds, enabling the development of psychic awareness.

White Tourmaline Jewelry Usage

Tourmaline crystals can be very long and therefore are a perfect match for pendants of any kind. A tourmaline crystal in unprocessed form can also be used in a pendant.


Natural White Zircon Gemstones
White Zircon Gemstones

Overview: Zircon has been dated back nearly 4.5 billion years making it virtually as old as the planet itself. White zircon has a reading of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, meaning they are strong enough to withstand the rigors of daily wear in any type of jewelry setting. White zircon is a go-to diamond substitute for those wanting a gemstone with diamond-like luster but who don't wish to pay the high price of a real diamond.

Available Colors: Zircons come in many colors, including some stunning white, yellow and orange varieties, even pinks and greens, but undoubtedly the favorite and most valuable are the attractive blue examples.

Birthstone: Zircons is the birthstone for December, symbolizing wisdom, prosperity, and confidence.

Mohs Hardness Score: Zircon has a rating of 6 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, indicating fair to good toughness. Although it may not possess the same level of hardness or toughness as sapphire, zircon is suitable for all types of jewelry as long as it is handled with care to prevent excessive wear and impact.

Natural Rough White Zircon Gemstones
White Zircon Rough Gemstones
White Zircon Meaning

Zircon will enable you to deal with feelings of loss whether it is a family member, friend or beloved pet. It can boost your passion for life or work. Zircon is an excellent meditation gemstone.

White Zircon Jewelry Usage

Zircon has a reading of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale for gem quality stones, meaning they are strong enough the withstand the rigors of daily wear if fashioned into rings, pendants, bracelets or necklaces although care should be taken to avoid any sharp blows.

White Gemstones Chart

Gemstone Hardness Refractive Index
White Agate 6.5 - 7 1.53 - 1.54
White Albite 6 - 6.5 1.528 - 1.542
White Aragonite 3.5 - 4 1.550 - 1.650
White Barite 3 - 3.5 1.634 - 1.648
Goshenite 7.5 - 8 1.57 - 1.58
White Calcite 3 1.658 - 1.486
White Coral 3 - 4 1.486 - 1.658
White Danburite 7 - 7.5 1.630 - 1.636
White Diamond 10 - 10 2.417 - 2.419
Dolomite 3.5 - 4 1.679 - 1.681
White Euclase 7.5 - 7.5 1.652 - 1.671
White Howlite 3 - 3.5 1.586 - 1.605
White Jade 6 - 6.5 1.6 - 1.627
White Moonstone 6 - 6.5 1.518 - 1.526
White Onyx 6.5 - 7 1.544 - 1.553
White Opal 5.5 - 6.5 1.37 - 1.52
White Orthoclase 6 - 6.5 1.518 - 1.536
White Pearl 2.5 - 4.5 1.52 - 1.69
White Quartz 7 1.544 - 1.553
White Sapphire 9 1.762 - 1.778
White Scapolite 5.5 - 6 1.540 - 1.579
Scolecite 5 - 5.5 1.507 - 1.525
Selenite 2 - 2 1.519 - 1.523
White Spinel 8 1.712 - 1.762
White Topaz 8 1.609 - 1.643
White Tourmaline 7 - 7.5 1.614 - 1.666
White Zircon 6.5 - 7.5 1.81 - 2.02


In conclusion, white gemstones are a timeless choice for jewelry enthusiasts. With their sheer elegance and beauty, they offer a diverse selection of gemstones that can suit any occasion and style. From the epitome of luxury with diamonds to the ethereal glow of moonstones, each gemstone carries its unique qualities and meanings.

When it comes to white gemstone jewelry, there are countless options available, from engagement rings to bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. White gemstones hold symbolic meanings that make them even more special and meaningful to wear, conveying messages of purity, clarity, and elegance.

White gemstones' endless possibilities make them increasingly popular, and their enduring appeal continues to captivate jewelry enthusiasts worldwide. So why not explore the beauty of white gemstones and find your perfect piece that reflects your personal style?

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of white gemstones. We hope this article has inspired you to appreciate the sheer beauty and meaning of white gemstones in jewelry.

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