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Gemstones for Thanksgiving

Gemstones for Thanksgiving
Gemstones for Thanksgiving

I spent last weekend cycling 200 miles in the hills and valleys of a neighboring province and put it down to being in fine physical shape but my wife insists it was the bloodstone pendant she gave me before I left!

Take a look at our new article on Gemstones for physical fitness

If there is one time of year that will interrupt your training schedule and help pile on the pounds it is Thanksgiving. This year, in the middle of the Covid pandemic, perhaps this holiday is more important than ever as it can remind us to appreciate what we have, rather than what we have lost.

Travel and crowd restrictions may limit celebrations in 2020 but no doubt our American friends will find a way to give thanks and spend precious time with family and loved ones.

I have a few gemstones that I know will make your Thanksgiving Day flow that little bit more smoothly:


My first recommendation is the perfect Thanksgiving gemstone, citrine. Not only does it come in gorgeous fall colors to match the season but it brings all the joy, happiness and positivity of the sun. Place some citrine on the dining table or wear a nice chunky citrine ring to bring warmth and energy to the proceedings.

Shop Citrine Gemstones
Shop Citrine here

Blue Agate

My second choice covers a number of bases. Blue Agate is a gemstone of communication and expression, it will encourage your guests to be open to conversation but in a non confrontational way – which is more important now than ever. Blue Agate is also a stress relieving gemstone which will keep you calm and in control in what can be a testing time.

Shop Blue Agate Gemstones
Shop Blue Agate here

Rose Quartz

The gemstone of unconditional love that will open the hearts of everyone it encounters. It stimulates empathy, compassion and gratitude, reinforces friendships and relationships and gives feelings of contentment and fulfillment.

Shop Rose Quartz Gemstones
Shop Rose Quartz here


Having a guardian angel watching over you during Thanksgiving would be great wouldn’t it? Seraphinite is a deep green gemstone decorated with what looks like silvery-white angel feathers. The heavenly looks are accompanied with the power to instill gratitude for all your blessings.

Shop Seraphinite Gemstones
Shop Seraphinite here


My last gemstone is sodalite, another gemstone of communication that will help you get across your thoughts in a harmonious way that will not upset anyone. It will also bring calmness and clarity of mind which will help a lot if you are responsible for all the preparations.

Shop Sodalite Gemstones
Shop Sodalite here

Good ways to incorporate gemstones into your Thanksgiving Day include just wearing them as jewelry, giving them to guests as gifts, as table decorations, in a mixed gratitude bowl or tucked about the house to animate their influence.

A gemstone elixir can be made in advance and used in a spray to mist the whole house with positivity.

See our article on elixirs here

The mixed gratitude bowl can include all the above gemstones as well as some of the following:

It is also Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, in November this year. Any of the following gemstones are particularly powerful at this time of the year:

For more information take a look at our article on Navagrahas and Jyotish Astrology Gemstones

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Is golden beryl suitable for jewelry?


Golden beryl has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on Mohs hardness scale making it suitable for all kinds of jewelry. Golden beryl is the lesser known member of the beryl family (Emerald and Aquamarine being the most famous), and not so many people are aware that golden beryl is actually the most available and affordable of all beryl types.


How old is the oldest diamond found?


The oldest known diamonds were found in the Jack Hills region, Western Australia. The 4 billion year old diamonds were found locked inside zircon crystals, and are thought to be approximately 1 billion years older than any diamonds found in terrestrial rock!

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