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By Reviewed By Thomas Dahlberg

Gemstones for Motivation

Gemstones for Motivation
Gemstones for Motivation

How can gemstones motivate me?

Gemstones can motivate you by channeling your internal energy levels in the right direction - with their support you can accomplish anything. The right gemstone can provide the kick in the pants that will help you achieve your goals, whether personal or professional.

In a world where the pursuit of motivation and inner strength often feels like an uphill battle, ancient wisdom meets modern science in the captivating realm of gemstones. For centuries, civilizations around the globe have revered these precious stones not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their purported ability to amplify motivation, focus, and vitality.

We all need motivation form time to time. It might be a good reason to learn something new, a desire to get a better job, encouragement to begin exercising, the impetus to ask someone out on a date or an incentive to save more money.

However it can be all too easy to settle for the usual routine, close the curtains and lie back on the couch, not risk rejection and not take a chance.

There are several different aspects to motivation. We need to make the decision to move, act, change, respond and so on. We need the persistence and endurance to work until we reach our goals and not be put off at the first hurdle. We require concentration and focus so we will not be distracted from the path to success. Finally, we must be able to recognize and enjoy our success and move forward to the next objective.

We have gathered together a great collection of crystals for motivation, and to energize, revitalize, nurture and inspire you. Accomplish your aims and avoid motivational speakers and inspirational clichés all at the same time.


Carnelian is a great gemstone for giving you a real energy boost both physically and mentally. It is known for inspiring confidence and defeating procrastination, sure fire ways of helping you achieve your ambitions. This uplifting crystal will inspire, encourage and drive you to success.

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Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is a real confidence and courage booster, its vitality will shed feelings of lethargy and tiredness and get you up and ready for any activity.

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Tiger's Eye crystal cultivates inner strength, stamina and stability. It contains a strong protective energy that provides feelings of security and positivity.

With the help of Tiger's Eye, you will have greater perseverance and emotional strength and be able find creative solutions to any challenges you may face.


The ruby has always been the gemstone of the rich and powerful. It is associated with energy, concentration, passion, courage, drive and ambition.

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If faced with difficult tasks, a ruby will fill you with all the confidence needed to complete them and give you the strength to make any vital decisions needed.

As a stone of love, it will also give you the self-assurance to pursue and commit to a romantic relationship that you may otherwise feel is beyond you.


Nothing motivates like success and Citrine is the gemstone that brings it in abundance. Citrine is a gemstone of optimism and joy and it promotes a positive attitude. Enjoying every moment of life is the best possible motivation.

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For centuries Citrine has been the ‘success stone', ‘the lucky stone' and ‘the merchant's stone' because of the powerful spiritual help it bestows on business - bringing prosperity and abundance through inspiration and attainment of goals.


Garnet is great for career motivation. It can help you up the corporate ladder by inspiring hard work and creativity. Whether you are working for a company or in business for yourself, garnet is the gemstone for a successful enterprise.

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Garnet is a big bold crystal, its grounding strength will promote confidence and its protective power will allow you to cast off any inhibitions about your abilities - leaving you free to flourish.

Like ruby, garnet is a gemstone of sensuality, passion, pleasure and love. It enhances sexual potency and stimulates physical love between loving partners.

Apatite - blue and yellow

Apatite can build up a stockpile of inner strength to maintain you in times of difficulty and when you feel at your lowest. It is at these moments that we are at most need of motivation and Apatite is the encouraging friend indeed.

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Shop Apatite Blue and Yellow here

Apatite will inspire self-confidence in your abilities to tackle any project and it enhances creativity and judgment. Blue Apatite is ideal motivation for any form of communication - presentations, interviews, board meetings and the like while Yellow Apatite counteracts lethargy and low spirits.


‘The nurturing stone' or ‘the supreme nurturer', Jasper, will be with you every step of the way with whatever journey you need to take to reach your goals. Supporting and encouraging, this gemstone will provide the platform for all your achievements.

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Jasper will keep you inspired and determined to accomplish all that you set out to do, either financially, romantically or physically, with its positive energy and comforting reinforcement.


Motivation is not just about beginning a task it is also the ability to keep going day after day. Bloodstone gives you the perseverance to continue through the tough times until the job is done. It was a favorite amongst Roman gladiators and Greek Olympians who wore Bloodstone amulets for increased endurance.

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In your day to day life, Bloodstone can make you feel both productive and worthwhile - as though your contributions actually make a difference. This will increase your positivity and creativity leading you onwards and upwards.

On a physical level, Bloodstone is great for blood flow and health, if your lethargy and low energy is the result of anemia, try to bring Bloodstone into your life.

Fire Agate

Just looking at Fire Agate can be motivational, the flashes of red orange and green against the russet background will quickly ‘fire' you up!

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Fire Agate crystals encourages optimism, passionate commitment to any task and gives you the drive to take control of any situation.

It is known to counter depression, lethargy and low sex drive and the opposite to all three feelings is joy, vitality and lust - any better reasons to get a Fire Agate?


Sunstone carries with it the joy and uplifting spirit of the sun as well as its life giving energy. It stimulates authority and direction, independence of thought and creativity.

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It attracts abundance, prosperity and even fame if it is desired. Its cheerful appearance will make even difficult tasks and long hard days of work fun and exciting. It will also protect you from the pessimism and negativity of any energy vampires that may be nearby.

This gemstone has direct physical influence over the central body meaning stomach problems and ulcers which often keep you from achieving results will be a thing of the past.

So these are the suggested gemstones but how should we use them to boost our motivation?

The simplest way for a gemstone to influence you is to wear one as a piece of jewelry, that way it will be with you all day without you having to think about it.

As an additional thought, bear in mind the Chakras. The color of the gemstone will usually indicate which Chakra it is most closely connected to - green bloodstone is associated with the Heart Chakra so a pendant or necklace could be the jewelry of choice.

Alternatively, you could just put the gemstone in your pocket or handbag and carry them with you throughout the day. If you are feeling particularly listless and in need of a pick-me-up them just take out the gemstone and hold it in your hand for a quick motivational boost.

Keep the gemstones in the area where you would most benefit from motivational aid. It could be in your workspace, desk, by the computer, in the studio, in your car for a lift on the way to work, in the bedroom, in the garden, on your yoga mat - the options are endless.

Use the gemstones when meditating or visualizing - just hold them in the palm of your hand or place them on the floor beside you.

Lie down or relax somewhere with the gemstones or gemstone placed on the relevant Chakra point.

See our Chakra Gemstones article here for more information.

Use the gemstone in an affirmation ritual. Hold a gemstone or two in your hand while repeating out loud (or in your head if you feel a bit shy or self-conscious) a positive statement about what you would like to achieve.

For example:

‘I am strong and powerful. I will achieve my goals'.

Make a gemstone elixir with your gemstone and drink it as tea or a cool glass or water. Put it in a spray bottle and give your space a invigorating spritz.

See our Gemstone elixir page here.

Put some gemstones in or around the bath for an end of day relaxation session that will rid you of the tensions that have built up and will have you ready to go the next day.

Your gemstone will probably need an occasional cleanse and refresh. This can be done in a number of ways.

  • Run them under cool fresh water - in a spring, stream or under a waterfall is best but the tap at home will do.
  • Give them a moon or sun bath - just an hour for the sun as some gemstones can fade and all night for the moon - full moon is best.
  • Bury them in rich soil overnight for a recharge with energies from their birthplace.
  • Smudge them with sage or incense. Wave the gemstones through the smoke.

Motivational Gemstones Guide

Gemstone Chakra Motivation



Energy Booster

Tiger's Eye


Encourages Inner Strength



Love and Passion



Business Success



Career Incentive


Sacral / Throat

Communication Impetus


Mostly Root

Nurture and Support


Root / Heart

Endurance to see you through

Fire Agate


Passionate Commitment



Great Expectations

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